Smash Hits - 'Forth' of July

Dear Members,
It's been a very cold winter, so I hope this finds you well and hitting up at the badminton courts to stay warm!
We are continuing to follow up with the Australian Sports Commission regarding the investment framework for 2018-19. Thank you to all who have been checking in with BA.
The national database on revolutioniseSPORT is now loaded with over eight thousand members, with WA recently coming on board. Looking forward to receiving more information from various States/Territories.

The first BWF Level 1 Tutor Course and BWF Level 2 Coaching Course in the Oceania region was held in Auckland last month and was attended by four representatives from Australia - Ian Bridge, Brian Koentjoro, Marianne Loh, Stuart Rowlands. They are now able to deliver BWF Level 1 Coaching Courses in Australia. Please contact Badminton Australia as you plan your 2019 coaching calendars to ensure that the courses are organised and advertised in advance with Badminton Australia's endorsement.
The Coaching section of the Badminton Australia website is now updated with the latest information and accreditation forms. State/Territory Coaching Coordinators should continue to retain the necessary supporting documentation submitted by every coach (refer to the checklist on the accreditation/re-accreditation forms) before submitting them to Badminton Australia.

In para-badminton news, Caitlin Dransfield (WA) and Celine Vinot (VIC) had a great experience at the FZ Forza Irish Para-Badminton International last week. Celine finished 2nd in women's singles (SL3 Exhibition) and both players combined to finish in 3/4 position in women's doubles (SL3-SU5). Celine now travels to France while Caitlin returns home for another big training block to prepare for the Australia Para-Badminton International 2018 and Oceania Para-Badminton Championships.
Here are some key dates for Sporting Schools:
• Term 3 Booking system opened 27 June • Term 3 grant applications (primary & secondary) closed Friday 29 June
As usual, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any queries. Meanwhile, go forth a conquer the rest of the 2018 calendar year!
In other news:
Regards, Marianne Loh Participation Manager Badminton Australia