Smash Hits - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Dear Members, The Dalai Lama said "there are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is...

Smash Hits - 'Forth' of July
Dear Members, It's been a very cold winter, so I hope this finds you well and hitting up at the badminton courts to stay warm! We are...

Smash Hits - Mindful May
Dear Members, Some of you will have followed the Federal Budget announcements closely this month. Pleasingly for the sport sector, the...

Smash Hits - Energising Games
Dear Members, The 21st Commonwealth Games have come and gone - we witnessed some spectacular action on the badminton courts at the...

Smash Hits - Moving Mountains
Dear Members, Heard of the saying "It takes time to move a mountain"? Well, it feels like we've moved a few in the past month. In...

Smash Hits - Innovating Times
Dear Members, Congratulations to the Australian Men's and Women's Teams for winning the Oceania Championships this year. The teams will...

Smash Hits - New Year Vibes
Dear Members, Happy New Year - May 2018 be what you hope it will be! The 2017 BA Award winners were just announced and it was pleasing to...

Smash Hits - New Service
Dear Members, Lovely to catch up with many of you at the BA AGM/Forum last weekend. Mindful that we've all had a big year, take some...

Smash Hits - Positive Growth
Dear Members, There is much positive news around the country. With all annual reports submitted and evidence of membership growth, we...

Smash Hits - Stocktake Time
Dear Members, Hope you are well. Understandably, many of you are currently preparing for AGMs and annual reports for various...