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Smash Hits - April tools

Hello from Perth, where 11 teams and over 120 competitors are fighting for bragging rights at the 2016 Under 17 June Bevan Trophy and Australasian Championships. Great to catch up with BAWA to hear how they are progressing with Shuttle Time, Sporting Schools, and other membership initiatives.

School holidays are upon us soon. Please note applications for Term 2 Sporting Schools grants will be closing on Friday, 15 April, so there is still time for schools to get their application in. For schools keen to do a program in Terms 3 and 4, applications for funding will open in June 2016. Badminton is a 100% positive experience in Sporting Schools, so feel free to share this story with schools you advertise to.

Working with commercial providers: Congratulations to NSW Badminton for enabling Ty's Fit Friends to deliver Shuttle Time within the Sporting Schools environment. This provider's engagement over the last two terms have led to schools' interest in attending the XIAMENAIR Australian Badminton Open in June. SA Badminton are also close to locking in a Shuttle Time Teacher's course for Stay Active to help build an extended workforce to deliver badminton programs. The challenge for us is to continue this build, and test new methods to integrate commercial providers into badminton's development pathways - have you considered introducing a value-added package / membership-based commission for commercial organisations as forms of incentives?

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people will read a headline, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest? Communicating with your members takes a lot of effort so you don’t want to lose their interest after the first line. Whether it’s a sales letter, blog, brochure, Facebook page or website, good headlines attract attention and leave readers wanting to know more. Here are some tips. On a side note, Badminton Australia's Facebook page is about to hit 5,000 Likes. How is your State/Territory Association's digital presence coming along?

Please continue to share programs and events in your States/Territories as they become available, to grow the sport profile and increase our abilty to provide support and share knowledge where possible.


Marianne Loh

Participation Manager

Badminton Australia

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