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October Drop Shot

​We are well into the final part of the 2015 badminton season. Here are some brief updates:

1) Shuttle Time (#bwfshuttletime): BWF are seeking opportunities to pilot a Shuttle Time Tutors' Course with a University. There is a window of opportunity for Members to apply for BWF funding before the end of 2015. In early 2016, BA is planning to hold a national Shuttle Time Tutors' Course to build a pool of Tutors around the country. Please consider sending a person from your State/Territory who will become the Shuttle Time ambassador and leader in your region, and do let me know if have a University prospect in mind.

2) 50 Sports in 50 Weeks: Queensland and Gold Coast Badminton represented us at a global sporting initiative, that culminated in a wonderful finale last weekend at the Gold Coast. Go to their webpage for more information about the Brown family and their inspiring journey to keep sport and active play as an important part of life.

3) Please follow this link to find updates on Sporting Schools Term 4 demand for badminton. This reporting tool is online and real-time, and the Australian Sports Commission requires fields highlighted in yellow to be updated by coaching providers.


Marianne Loh

Participation Manager

Badminton Australia

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